Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Asian Lettuce Wraps

I am not a big Asian food lover. However, I do love me some P.F. Changs!!! Is anyone else obsessed with the lettuce wraps there? I was completely craving lettuce wraps last night and decided to try and make them with what I had in the fridge. Here's what I came up with. Scott is asking for them again so I guess that's a good sign!

-3 pounds ground turkey
-12 green onions with tops, chopped
-1 T garlic, chopped
-2 cups of carrot (chopped or shredded)
-1/2 cup + 1 T hoison sauce (you find it in the Asian food aisle)
-6 T soy sauce
-1/2 T Sirachi hot sauce (you find it in the Asian food aisle)
-2 cups of jasmine rice
-2 1/2 cups of water
-1 head of iceberg lettuce

Put the jasmine rice and water in the rice cooker and hit start. We love our rice cooker! Before starting on the meat, prep your iceberg lettuce. Remove the core and then slice the head in half. Carefully peel off layers of lettuce - you are going for as many solid pieces of lettuce as you can...they should resemble a taco shell. Rinse each piece of lettuce and drain on paper towels.

Meanwhile, add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or sesame oil) to a wok or skillet. Add turkey and brown.  Add in onions, carrots, and garlic and cook until carrots are tender (about 5 minutes). Add hoison, soy and sirachi sauces - simmer for 5-10 more minutes.

To serve, scoop a little rice into a piece of lettuce. On top of the rice, add some of the meat mixture, wrap the piece of lettuce closed like a burrito and enjoy!

**Mushrooms and peanuts would also be great in this recipe but I didn't have any at home to try it.
**I only used 1/4 t sirachi because I made this for the kids. I'd probably add more if it were for me...I love it spicy!

1 comment:

Noria said...

mhhhhhh I love the lettuce wrap from P.F. Chang. Thanks for your recipe :-)